Symbolic-Numerics: how compiler smarts can help improve the performance of numerical methods (nonlinear solvers in Julia)

Many problems can be reduced down to solving f(x)=0, maybe even more than you think! Solving a stiff differential equation? Finding out where the ball hits the ground? Solving an inverse problem to find the parameters to fit a model? In this talk we’ll showcase how SciML’s NonlinearSolve.jl is a general system for solving nonlinear equations and demonstrate its ability to efficiently handle these kinds of problems with high stability and performance. We will focus on how compilers are being integrated into the numerical stack so that many of the things that were manual before, such as defining sparsity patterns, Jacobians, and adjoints, are all automated out-of-the-box making it greatly outperform purely numerical codes like SciPy or NLsolve.jl.

PyData Global 2023