Solving Partial Differential Equations with Julia

Here is a talk from JuliaCon 2018 where I describe how to use the tooling across the Julia ecosystem to solve partial differential equations (PDEs), and how the different areas of the ecosystem are evolving to give top-notch PDE solver support.

14 thoughts on “Solving Partial Differential Equations with Julia

  1. Sandeep Reddy Bukka


    Hi Chris

    Thanks for the reply.
    I was able to figure out the error. I think it is related to the new syntax of julia. I think i missed a broadcast equal to.
    I was using du = L*u, instead of du.=L*u.
    It works now !


  2. Sandeep Reddy Bukka


    Hi Christopher

    Great work
    The video is amazing. However i would like to mention that when i try to replicate the example of spectral time stepping of the heat equation using the current version of julia 1.4.2. I am getting some errors. I have changed the old commands of A_mul_B! but still i am getting errors in the solver convergence. Specifically, i am getting this

    At t = 0 and h = 1.3093e-009, the corrector convergence test failed repeatedly or with |h| = hmin.

    Can you please update on this?. It would be of great help.


  3. Sean


    Is there perhaps a tutorial or example of this somewhere (especially for the case of non-linear reaction terms)?

  4. Sean


    Hi Chris

    Nice talk!

    Connecting with what you said at the end of your talk, I have seen that there are now wrappers for 2D and 3D FEM heat equation problems ( but is there a wrapper for the (1D) multi-variable (i.e. reaction-diffusion) case?

  5. Hesham M


    Interesting video. I’m still going through it.

    In block [46] in the jupyter notebook, I think you had the order and derivative swapped:

    A = DerivativeOperator{Float64}(order,deriv,Δx,N,:Dirichlet0,:Dirichlet0)

    Thanks for sharing!

  6. Yoshitaka Taguchi


    Hi chris, I watched your talk on youtube. Thank you for great lecture!

    In the talk, you showed that some PDEs come down to ODE, like u_t = u_xx + f(u, t). Converting second derivetive of x to a matrix, this PDE becomes ODE, whose variable is t.
    However, we can take x as variable of ODE. For example, let v = u_x. Then this PDE become simultaneous ODE of u_x = v and v_x = u_t – f(u,t).

    If the range of x is very big and range of t is small, I thought taking x as variable of ODE is better because we don’t need to prepare big matrix for differentiation of x.

    What do you think about this method? Is this approach efficient?

    • Your suggestion ends up solving a slightly different problem because it requires a different initial condition. For your case, your initial condition would need to be u(0,t), that is the value at x=0 for all time points. The discretization I showed is for when you have u(x,0), the value at t=0. Normally this is the initial condition that the problem is given with.

  7. Dimiter Georgiev


    Hi Chriss, great video!

    from your API i see first and second order operarator can be construccted as of eg.

    D2 = DerivativeOperator{Float64}(2,2,1/100,11,:Neumann,:Dirichlet; BC=(0.0,0.0))

    D1 = DerivativeOperator{Float64}(1,2,1/100,11,:Neumann,:Dirichlet; BC=(0.0,0.0))

    but how should i construct something like
    L = D2 + 1/x * D1

    with boundaries?

    I expect somehow first L has to be defined and then some function
    to construct the boundaries be applied?

  8. fkoessel


    I’ve watched your talk on YouTube. It was a comprehensible, well structured, brilliant talk. I enjoyed it very much!

    Are your slides online by any chance?

    Good work!

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